Implementing these tips and secrets.
This week we'll be working on the first five.
I will list the tip and the steps I want to take to make it happen.
I think I will do this on Sundays for the following week, list the tips and steps I want to take. Perhaps on Saturdays I will review my progress. In any case, this is what I'm doing this specific Sunday.
1. Memorize something everyday.
- I hope to find a database of poetry, sayings and nice things like that. Meaningful, inspirational, silly or whatever. I'll print them out and/or save them to a document on my computer. I'll have a variety of options. I hope to start out small and work my way up. Memorizing maybe a stanza of poetry a day at first, two each day the next week and so on, gradually increasing. If I want a break from the poem, I'll try memorizing a quote and the name of the person who said it first. I haven't worked out the details for quizzing myself but I think I'll try to write it down at slightly sporadic intervals throughout the day.
2. Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.
- This is one of my favorites for this week. I've always romanticized the idea of being able to pack everything I own into a couple of suitcases and taking off. I think the idea struck me when I was reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter. (An inspiring and tear-jerking book that I read one summer. Believe me, this is not a light summer read.) My living space has always been a bit...cluttered? Pig sty, tornado affected zone, black hole and hazard area are a few of the less endearing terms my parents used when I was younger. I've improved since then but I still have too many belongings. I'm going to reduce my possessions by 5-15 items per day until I'm down to the bare necessities. I may also stop if the items are legitimately of value to me. Sentimental or otherwise. As long as they aren't in the way and can be kept in a location that brings me pleasure. An old doll that my grandparents got for me for Christmas (that I begged for) can stay on a shelf next to my stereo.
3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world.
- I'm tying this in with #5 Get fit! I live in a suburban area and I can start small and expand with this one. I would like to go for walks, jogs or bike rides in my nearby neighborhoods. The track housing is old enough that there have been additions and many changes that might be interesting to see. I think I'll also try taking alternative kinds of fitness classes. Part of the description with this tip is to step outside your comfort zone so I think a hot yoga or pilates class might be just the thing.
4. Remember people's names.
- I believe that this may be harder to plan to do than the others. I don't always meet new people everyday...maybe I should add "try to meet new people everyday" to #3...Anyway, when I meet new people I'm going to do my best to remember their names. I'll repeat their names back and say, "Hi. Nice to meet you _____." I often feel awkward when someone uses my name very frequently right after I meet them but perhaps this feeling is exclusive to me. I do not particularly want to make people uncomfortable.
5. Get fit! (Talula's Edit: If that's what you want from life.)
- Some people don't need to be fit to get what they want from life. I am not one of those people. I want to be able to go on hikes or walks with friends when they invite me. Indoor rock climbing, yoga classes, whatever. I want to be able to do it, or try and fail because it's a new technique and not because I become exhausted too quickly. I'm starting small with this one. Currently, I do not exercise daily. I'm going to start with 10 minutes a day of exercise for a whole week. No days off since it's such a small amount of time. I'll ramp up by 5 minutes each week until I hit 30 minutes. When week 5 comes around, I'll look into fitness plans and such so I can establish a better system. I'll also be allowed Sundays off at that point.
These are my plans and goals for this week! I've also been reading about lucid dreaming, polyphasic sleep, meditation and "Law of Attraction" visualizing. I'm excited to try all of these things and will blog about these as well. Day 1 is tomorrow! I'll locate an online database of memorizable things now.
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