...so, polyphasic sleep? Anyone heard of it? I'm going to try the Uberman Cycle.
I like the diagram and description on this site.
In the description there is a link to the blog
He did this for ages! I have yet to read all of his entries about it but it seems to me that eating meat would slow me down on the path to less sleep. I've read it in a few places now that eating as healthily as possible while adapting to this schedule is important and I recently heard something of beef and the endocrine system that I'd rather not repeat.
So...I am going to eat less meat and animal products. Possibly none. Sorry little animals, I'm not doing it for you guys, I'm doing it for me. Who was it with the philosophy that being selfish is the best thing a person can do? Ayn Rand. Ethical egoism. I suppose her theories won't help me reach enlightenment but I think enlightenment comes later.
I'm also trying to practice positive thinking and the law of attraction. That is, visualizing your goals as realities and believing that the universe will begin to show you opportunities and signs towards completing these goals. I have always been one of the bigger skeptics around so I am more than willing to admit how ridiculous this sounds. However, I am more than willing to give it a try considering that it won't hurt anything.
Last night before bed, Boyfriend and I tried visualizing for 30 minutes. It definitely ended well before that and with sleep...oops! However, I did have some fun visualizing myself after I've lost a bit of weight and am healthy enough to climb trees, hike Mount Whitney and have a career path which mostly looks like me telling people how awesome my future job will be. Last but not least, my crazy goal (the first two were small and medium goals) involves Boyfriend and I hanging out in the Louvre as a representation of us going on vacation in Europe.
I'm a bit worried about going too big too soon, plus I don't know quite how to visualize living in Europe. It's a bit of an odd image at the moment.
I forgot to mention, before I begin my new sleep schedule, I need to block out a week's worth of time where I will not be operating a motor vehicle. I don't want to crash because of sleep deprivation during the adaptation period. Maybe some part of Christmas vacation. Until then I will attempt lucid dreaming. I've had lucid dreams before but I mainly remember having difficulty controlling them. As a child I remember trying to turn a flower blue because it was my dream and flowers are not blue in real life. A bossy lucid dreamer but nonetheless, it worked.
I still need to find my online database of things to memorize. On that note...
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