Thursday, December 23, 2010

Polyphasic Sleeping Day 4

I'm rather disappointed in myself this morning. I just woke up at about 7:30AM because I went back to sleep, after a 3 hour core nap, at around 5AM.  I definitely need to stop napping in my bed at night. It's most definitely too comfortable.  I'm going to keep going with the cycle though.  I don't feel any need to reset or start over.  I feel as though I'm more tired from sleeping 5 hours than I have been each time I wake up from a 20 minutes nap.

Last night before my core nap,  Boyfriend offered to wake himself up and then call me to help me wake up at 5AM.  I said no, he needs to sleep.  I've learned my lesson, I'm never turning down another wake-up call offer from Boyfriend.  The hardest part of oversleeping this time is that I picked up my phone, turned off the alarm, and lay back down because the bed was warm.  I exercised no self-discipline.  Today, I'm going to use Steve Pavlina's advice about getting up right when the alarm goes off. I'm going to practice waking up!  I just need to figure out what I want the first few things in my waking routine to be.

I'm learning more about my sleeping habits through this process and I'm always grateful to learn more.   That said, I need to re-train some of those habits. 

Vegan Eating Day 9

This morning, I had my first breakfast salad.  Nothing too special.  In fact, I don't really know what to do with salads.  Mine was spinach with blackstrap molasses as dressing because of it's nutritional value, sliced almonds and shredded coconut.  Pretty good except that I'm not used to the taste of molasses.  I like it, but it's weird.  I used to hate honey for that reason, grew to like it and now don't care either way but definitely prefer agave nectar.

One table spoon of blackstrap molasses had 20% of the daily value of Iron, Calcium and something else in it.  I think it had a lot of potassium.  Those are reasons enough to eat it, plus it looks cool.

For lunch I went to Native Foods again with one of my two best friends.  I ordered a pizza that had ricotta (tofu) cheese on it.  I need to find it, buy it and die happy. As always, the sweet potato fries with ranch were amazing.  The chocolate peppermint cupcakes are still delicious also. 

For the past few days, I've been drinking the teeniest tiniest sip of eggnog once a day.  It's delicious and I think letting myself have a tiny bit is probably much better than resisting and at some point binging on eggnog.  (That would be a delicious binge.)

Last night, I cooked steel cut oats.  They are now sitting in a Tupperware in the refrigerator waiting to be microwaved and eaten.  There are probably 6-8 servings there depending on how hungry I am.  I want to do more meal prep like this.  Making things for the week, like pasta, oatmeal, rice and maybe mashed yams. 

Recently, I've been feeling more fulfilled by my meals. I take this to mean that they are more balanced and nutritious. Now I'll be able to cut back on the pricey soy jerky.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Polyphasic Sleeping Days 3-4

I decided to go back to my original plan and try the Everyman after I accidentally slept for 5 hours this morning.  I think having that core nap will be helpful.  Fewer naps during the day is a plus.  Since I can't figure out quite what to do with my nighttime waking hours, having a core nap to eat a few of those up will be especially helpful.  I'm trying the 3 hour core nap and 3 twenty minutes nap variety.

I have temporarily stopped my self-improvement list due to my new-found psychological blocks when it comes to getting something done each day.  I'm still reading over them and trying to implement the psychological ones, like positive thinking, living in the moment and remembering names.

Physically, the lack of sleep hasn't been so bad.  I get really cold at night and end up wearing tons of clothes so I won't snuggle up underneath a blanket and fall asleep.  It's hard to figure out when I should eat.  It seems that I get hungry 5-10 minutes before naps rather frequently.  Since I've been trying to stick to a firm schedule, I put off eating until I wake up. 

I'm still determined to make polyphasic sleep work for me. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Polyphasic Sleeping Day 2

Update time!  This morning I took a nap that I woke up from around 4:15AM, I then managed to stay awake for a while before taking another nap around 6AM. After that nap, I waited 20 minutes and took another one.  If I had given myself rules and restrictions, I might have called that cheating. 

I overslept at my 12PM nap.  I'm using my cell phone alarm and I can't tell if I never set the alarm to "on" or if I turned it off and went back to sleep.  Boyfriend recommended putting my phone across the room.  That sounds like a pretty good idea to me, so I will do that for my 4:30PM nap.  I'm trying to space them 3.5 hours apart like the Uberman cycle.

I was having a lot of trouble with staying awake in between the 8AM and 12PM naps.  It occurred to me to stand up and move.  As soon as I walked around the room a bit, I felt much more awake.  I then had no problem staying awake even when I sat back down and watched a movie.

I'm keeping exercise light.  I don't want to exhaust myself and oversleep.  This morning I did about half an hour of yoga from the exercise channel on my TV.  It was very relaxing but didn't make me sleepy.

I've read that not knowing what to do with the extra 30-40 hours a week could easily be my demise.  I have enough hobby type things that I can direct my attention between that I'm not too concerned.  Since I'm very in to ballet videos right now and youtube is rather wonderful, I feel that I can keep myself occupied.  Even though it is winter break from school and I don't have a job, I can come up with enough things to do.

Polyphasic Sleeping Days 1-2

Wow. So I tried to start last night but slept much longer than intended.  I restarted with more determination.  So far, so...well, I'm doing it, okay?  My next nap is in half an hour.  I'm doing the SPAMAYL (Sleep Polyphasically as much as you like) with the Uberman as a guide.  I would like to be on the Uberman schedule at some point.  That's 6 20-30 minutes naps a day at 3.5 hours apart.

Right now I'm trying to stay up so that when I wake up from my next nap 3:45AM-4:15AM I'll only have a few hours before some daylight and my parents waking up.  I've taken probably 4 naps today (yesterday technically) using my boyfriend as my timer.  It's perfect because he can tell when I finally fall asleep so I don't need to wake up to reset my alarm.  Now I'm at home so I have to allow an extra few minutes to fall asleep.  I'm concerned that part of the adaptation is going to involve learning to fall asleep quickly as opposed to allowing 20 minutes to fall asleep and 20 minutes to be asleep.

This is going to be very difficult but I'm looking forward to the experience and results.  I was originally planning to start on Christmas but this will be interesting.  Positive thinking should go a long way to help with this.  As Steve Pavlina mentions in his 60 day update on his polyphasic sleeping,  he made sure that mentally failing was not really an option.  I'm doing the same.  If I fail, it will be because my body can't handle it, not because I convince myself that going back to sleep is a good idea or because I don't like being cold (from sleep deprivation).

I'm hungry right now but I'm hoping to use that as another motivator to get out of bed at the end of my nap.  I have the volume on my phone alarm turned up all the way.  I won't sleep through that noise.  I'm really looking forward to this nap now.  Goodnight...morning.

Vegan Eating Week 1 Complete

Wow. Well, I feel pretty good.  This is especially amazing since aside from Saturday dinner, I ate hummus and whole wheat pita bread all weekend.  Long story short, Boyfriend's work ordered more than enough Greek food, he got leftovers.   I can't tell yet if I need less sleep now that I'm no longer eating animal products.  I think that may be the case but because I am adapting to polyphasic sleep right now, it's hard to say.  I hope to go to Mother's Market later today and pick up a lot more produce (I miss my carrot apple celery juice), steel cut oats, vegan butter and maybe some more vegan ice cream.  I still have trouble believing how amazing that ice cream was!

I'm planning to meet a friend for boba later today.  I googled it and as far as I can tell, the actual tapioca is vegan so it's just a matter of getting a drink that doesn't have milk or cream in it.  I'm a little bummed since I love the thai tea with milk.  I'll survive and be stronger for it.

The dinner I had on Saturday was for Boyfriend's and my 6 month-iversary.  We went to a restaurant called Vegan Glory in LA.  I ordered pad thai, a smoothie and carrot cake.  Incredibly delicious. It's making me hungry to think about it now. Yum!  So Vegan Glory has been added to the list of yummy vegan food places.  Boyfriend admitted to liking it too. It's a win-win sort of thing.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Vegan Eating Day 5

When I first went grocery shopping as a vegan, I went to the local Mother's Market and bought tofu, soy jerky, rice and almond milk, a cart full of produce and some bags of bulk grains.  For the most part, my diet suddenly included things that I've never eaten on a regular basis.  This morning, I decided to have a bagel with almond butter.  It seemed too easy, where was the preparation and careful instruction following?

I have now come to realize that I can't eat relatively normal things that have the vegan qualities that I'm looking for.  I made a big pot of steel cut oats afterward.  It took about an hour to make them but I will be able to heat some up for breakfast in the morning for the next few days.  I can eat salads and pre-cook a lot of dinners so I don't have to cook at the end of the day when I'd rather be doing...anything else.  I've made this into a big cooking intensive process and it does not need to be that.

If only they made vegan TV dinners...but I suppose the sodium would be unhealthy, entirely defeating the purpose.  Just finished the rest of my vanilla almond ice cream.  Vanilla but made with almond milk. It is really unbelievably good.

Christmas Time Eating
My family is getting together with my dad's brother's family for Christmas Eve.  I'll be bringing my own food so as not to inconvenience them into making something vegan.  I need ideas though.  I was thinking about going to a local vegan place and just getting a fancier than usual meal to take with me and heat up later.  I don't know if this will be an awkward social situation and it makes me a teensy bit antsy.

My dad is making lamb for Christmas dinner.  I'm eating it. End of story. Well, not really the end.  I'll have a few bites of it.  An incredibly small portion because I want to taste it without feeling too many of the effects on my body.  Perhaps it will also be a learning experience.  I'll feel the difference between eating animal products and not eating them far more acutely than when I switched to veganism.
Loving Hut
My mother and I went to a vegan restaurant last night called Loving Hut.  The food was delicious.  The service was so-so and the literature and pamphlets were a little bit horrifying.  I saw a few things about something called the Supreme Master.  This is the kind of place that uses 4 instead of for and 2 instead of to.  Just a little 2 new-agey for me.  However, the sweet potato fries and spring rolls made up for it and I will happily get take-out.

I'm still enjoying the learning experience I get with eating vegan.  My brother mentioned that I'd been very nice this week.  Perhaps a result of my healthy eating.  I've been sleeping well enough.  I've had a bit of trouble falling asleep but I've also been trying to go to bed earlier.  I'm still enjoying the journey.

Tip 5 Get fit!

This morning I woke up very early to do my young friend's hair for her school dance.  It was surprisingly easy to get up at 5:30AM instead of my usual 8AM.  If this is any indication of my ability to stick with a different sleep schedule, I may not have as much trouble with the Uberman as I would have thought. 

When I got back from getting her hair done at around 7:30AM, I turned on the TV.  I fully intended to watch something I recorded, nothing specific.  I saw that I had recorded a Slow-roebics workout from the FitTV channel. A channel that I am quickly learning to love.  I hit play to see what it would be like and the trainer said all you need is a pair of sneakers and an exercise mat. Well, I have sneakers and there is an abundance of yoga mats around this house so, I thought, "Why not?"

Tip 5: Get fit! (My edit: If that's what you want from life.)
Some people don't need to be fit to do what they like and be happy.  I like being active so becoming fit is important to me.

So, I jumped in, head first.  This all adds up to 40-50 minutes of working out this morning.  I don't know if I've ever felt "the burn" as acutely as I did this morning during one of the exercises.  Ouch! However, now that I'm done, I feel amazing.  Tip 5 has gone very well so far.  I have yet to decide on an exercise for tomorrow, but I have a variety of options.  My most comedic option is a Dancing With the Stars Cardio Workout DVD that I got for Christmas one year.  One of the dance leaders has an Australian accent that makes exercise far more fun.

I recently read a list of excuses and why they suck in January's copy of O Magazine.  I'm going to get a copy of the magazine for myself and put that list somewhere where I'll see it often.

I went vegan 5 days ago for the health benefits.  This morning my brother said that I had been really nice this week. We get along about as well as Palin and liberals do most of the time.  Perhaps I'm in a better mood because of my healthy eating.  I like to speculate and it's probably best that I don't.  I'm looking forward to the added benefits of exercise and being fit.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tips 3-4

Tip 3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world.
I had a bit of difficulty implementing this one immediately.  I've been using it mostly in little ways.  Little experiments, what happens if I do this? Like a child, a very curious child.  Perhaps this one is difficult because I already feel like a I have a limitless curiosity.  I think I'll keep this tip in my back pocket and use it when I find the opportunity.

Tip 4. Remember people's names.
I think this one will also be in my back pocket.  Some of the tips on this list aren't so much "Do it now!" kinds as others.  I do remember that the manager at the coffee house I went to yesterday is named Tina.  The English professor whose class I'd like to name has had her name tattooed into my brain.  I'm good with names when I'm not flustered or in a hurry.  I'll make it my mission to be un-flustered and un-hurried.

Previous Tips
I'm still memorizing the Gettysburg Address.  I decided to memorize a verse of a song yesterday instead of Abe's speech. (I feel close to Abraham Lincoln, he was my favorite president as a kid, hence the nickname.)

I did not physically reduce my attachment to possessions yesterday aside from a shirt or two.  I did de-clutter my living space a little bit. I don't like getting rid of books.  I'd rather get rid of whatever else I have.  I'm aware that a book is a possession.  I do feel that books are slightly different.  That's not to say that I'm going to re-read the books I have.  A lot of them should be donated or given to friends.  I want the space created by the things I remove to improve my bedroom rather than leave open spaces on book shelves and clutter in the corners.

Regardless of the progress I'm making, I feel good about wanting to make progress.

Vegan Eating Day 4

So far, so good!
I'm using the juicer every day now.  Apple, celery and carrot is my favorite.  Orange juice is always good but I like mine with pulp and this juicer filters out all the pulp.  I almost want to put a scoop back in!

An old high school classmate contacted me when he saw a few facebook posts about vegan eating.  He's been eating vegan+eggs for 6 months now.  He says he lost 20 pounds and increased his running speed.  He gave me many tips for sticking with it and keeping a balanced diet.  He referenced an article about longevity.

I'm looking forward to having a breakfast salad tomorrow morning.  I hope to purchase blackstrap molasses later today.  I love that the writer said that breakfast salad was something of a "sweet-topping delivery system."  The reason I love ranch so much is that you can put almost any vegetable underneath it and it becomes tasty.

I cooked butternut squash today.  I must have made a mistake because it was stringy on the inside and a little bit gross tasting.  I managed to toast the seeds very well though.

Yesterday, without thinking I picked up a piece of popcorn and ate it. Oops! Not vegan.  However, I did go to my favorite vegan restaurant (of the 2 I've been to) called Native Foods.  I always order the same thing, the Chicken Run Ranch burger, sweet potato fries with ranch and a glass of Watermelon Fresca. Delicious. Yesterday I traded out the watermelon fresca for a chocolate peppermint cupcake.  Vegan heaven!

Overall, I feel like I get hungry quicker but the food is not boring or gross.  I need to incorporate more protein I'm sure.  I'm hungry right now even though I just had lunch.  However, lunch included very little or no protein.  Soy jerky to the rescue! I'll make time sometime this weekend to read more about vegan eating. I'm hoping for the vegan cookbook Veganomicon for Christmas.  I believe that having recipes of well-balanced meals would help a ton.  In the meantime, I'll eat my vegetables and soy jerky.

Visualizing Successfully!

I think I need to visualize first thing in the morning.  While not in bed so I don't fall back asleep.  Perhaps there is a way to visualize successful manifestation in general...Oh dear.
They say running is very meditative, perhaps I could manifest while running.  Maybe I should just do one thing at a time.  The long and short of it is that I ---Wait.  I wanted a career goal and path. 

This morning I decided to go back to school.  I went to the campus and talked to them and everything.  I'm officially going to college next semester. If a 4 year degree isn't a good career path, I don't know what is.

-Imagine excited happy shrieking-

That means that I was manifesting well enough to get what I wanted!
I get to pick a new medium goal!! I think my new medium goal is going to be something along the lines of being a good student and getting straight A's next semester.

My small goal seems to be coming along pretty well also.  First I lost 2 lbs. and from yesterday to today I lost .5 lbs.  This is pretty great since I haven't started an exercise regimen yet.  I've been eating better but not necessarily moving more.

I don't know how much weight I want to lose. Probably just the 20 I've gained in the past year or so.  Then it becomes all about inches for me.  I'm something like a 47, 39, 46 last time I checked. (I'm not going to check now because the middle and bottom one will have most likely increased in a way that would be slightly off-putting to realize.  Anyway, I think it's reasonable within my height, 5'11", to want to have measurements of 40, 30 (or a bit more, my waist isn't very small), 40.
It's all about looking good in clothes for me. 

I definitely want to be fit and able to take on physical challenges.  I want to be able to easily walk or run a few miles, climb things, do push-ups and chin-ups, go swimming in the ocean (when it's less ridiculously cold) and climb a couple flights of stairs without losing my breath (it's a challenge at the moment).

This is a really exciting moment. The moment when I realize that I can get what I want if I put my mind to it.  I really want to try with a car but my father has promised to help me fix mine up, so I want to keep the one I have.  It gets around 27 mpg on the highway, is fairly safe, cheap to insure, cheap to repair, very reliable and not likely to get stolen.

My excitement about manifesting my dreams into reality is a bit breathtaking.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tip 2-Constantly Try to Reduce Your Attachment To Possesions

Today is an excellent day for this.  My living space is looking especially cluttered so I can combine this tip with a little clutter management and perhaps some laundry to make things clean and shiny.

Since today is the very first day of utilizing this tip, I'm going to get rid of 10-15 things.  I don't know what yet.  There's a big difference between tidying up and and returning borrowed things and actually donating or throwing out material objects that you like.  I'm going to start small I think.  I have a lot on my plate right now and I don't want to burn out.  My friends that live a few houses down are 15,13 and 11 (the girls ages) and they would love some of the beauty products that I really don't need.  The 15 year old would probably love some of the books I have too.  With books especially, I'd rather share them than keep them on my shelf and not read them. 

Side story:
When we were younger, all the presents we gave them (my brother and I) would be books or toys that we were outgrowing.  Those girls received many many Barbies and books throughout the years and they always loved the pre-loved gifts.  I don't know why we stopped.  Maybe they're going to get pre-loved books this year.  Along with pretend tickets to watch movies with me.  They seem to like that.  Probably best to make use of that monstrously sized TV we have. :P

I'll add an edit to this later once I've figured out which things to remove from my life.  I hope to stay away from clothes and bedding.  You know what? I'm going to do this right now.  10-15 items.

15 minutes later...

So far, I've designated 11 items to be removed from my living space.  9 books as gifts, 1 as donate, and one of those sticky-roller things for pet hair.  I'll probably give it to Boyfriend since his apartment houses a cat that he likes to let into his drawers so said cat can rub fur on his clothes.

Well, it's not constant yet but I'm reducing my attachment to possessions.
To complete today's tips, I just need to memorize more of the Gettysburg address.  I'm very glad that I'll have it finished by the end of the week.  Especially when you consider that I started over a decade ago!

Visualizing Day 3-4

So far, I keep falling asleep.  Now that I'm back at my place, I may have more opportunities to be completely uninterrupted and focused during waking hours.  I have been trying to use the law of attraction to be fit, find a career path and go on vacation in Europe with the dear boyfriend.

I've mainly been focusing on being fit.  It's easy to visualize rock climbing, tree climbing, being able to keep up with my sort of second family who lives two doors down from me.  That second family includes four incredibly athletic and energetic children so I can chase them or climb over walls to run away from them when we play tag. (These kids move A LOT).  I make sure to visualize everyone with smiles on their faces.

Having a career goal is a bit harder for me to visualize.  Usually I picture myself, wearing a professional outfit, driving a nice car and telling people what I want to do for a living.  It sounds more like a dream-version of visualizing than what I actually want.  Maybe this is when I start to fall asleep...

Europe is less difficult than my medium goal.  Since I've been to Europe (Thank you parents and study abroad programs) it's easier to just remember different places and add Ben to the picture.  We're both smiling and having fun.  I haven't been much farther than that with this goal. 

Today I'll try visualizing while I'm not trying to fall asleep.

Tip 1-Memorize Something Everyday

I suppose technically I did not memorize something on Day 1 but 2 because it is almost 1AM.  I'll be working on the sleep issue very soon.

However, I have now memorized the second quarter (roughly) of the Gettysburg Address as is believed to have been delivered by Abraham Lincoln on that battlefield not so many years ago.  When I was eleven or twelve, I memorized the first quarter section during class.  At some point I convinced myself that it was the first half. What a surprise when I googled it and found that I knew much less than I had thought.

Really, I can't give you any definitive evidence that I've memorized this. But, why not believe me? It's self-improvement.  It's one of those things where I really would be "cheating myself."

The part I originally knew (with a few minor adjustments):
Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all mean are created equal.  Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.

New Part:
We are met on a great battlefield of that war.  We have come today to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place, for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.  It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

Three sentences of one of the most memorable speeches in America's history.  I'm pleased.

This speech should keep me busy for a couple more days. (I accept no responsibility for the accuracy of those commas until further notice.) Then maybe a lovely poem, or a love poem. ;)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Vegan Eating Day 1

So far so good. I had a little trouble last night with staying satiated.  Maybe it was a lack of protein, that's the common belief.  Maybe it wasn't related to vegan eating.  Sometimes I get hungry and stay hungry even when I eat.  I'm really looking forward to the benefits of vegan eating. You know, superpowers and all (Scott Pilgrim anyone?).

I met a friend of my brother's today.  She said she could never give up cheese so she's a vegetarian (as of 1 week ago) but she feels so much better already.  Meat based meals always gave her an upset stomach.  I tend to have an upset stomach very often so maybe this will help.

I made a long list of things to buy at Mother's Market or Trader Joe's. I'm fortunate enough to have both of those within a few miles of my house.  I also managed to find Tofu (on sale for $.79 a package) at Ralph's in LA yesterday.

I found vegan "butter" to put on my baked potatoes.  The boyfriend is excellent at making baked potatoes so I thought I would splurge a little on the butter. $6 for a medium sized tub. I wish I could remember how many ounces, but alas, I left it in LA.  It tastes alright.  Like margarine or the fake butter spray but vegetable based.  Actually, I used to despise adding butter to anything.  It was the fake butter spray that got me back onto this butter habit.

I'm looking forward to trying almond milk as well as soy yogurt. So far, I woke up with a stomach ache (which is not unusual for me) but have felt fine the rest of the day.  I'm a little bit nervous about running out of food that I can eat before I go shopping. Easily remedied but I'm hoping my mother will come with me this evening if she has time. If not, well I'd rather not shop right before the local kids get out of school. Other moms shop right before they pick their kids up, or right after. It doesn't make a ton of sense to me but the Mother's Market is withing a mile radius of a few elementary schools and a high school.

In other news, Boyfriend gifted me with the Mumford & Sons CD called Sigh No More. It makes me feel good. Both the music and knowing that he remembered that I like them. I'm unbelievably fortunate to have him.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One thing led to another and..., polyphasic sleep? Anyone heard of it? I'm going to try the Uberman Cycle.
I like the diagram and description on this site.

In the description there is a link to the blog

He did this for ages! I have yet to read all of his entries about it but it seems to me that eating meat would slow me down on the path to less sleep. I've read it in a few places now that eating as healthily as possible while adapting to this schedule is important and I recently heard something of beef and the endocrine system that I'd rather not repeat.

So...I am going to eat less meat and animal products. Possibly none.  Sorry little animals, I'm not doing it for you guys, I'm doing it for me.  Who was it with the philosophy that being selfish is the best thing a person can do? Ayn Rand. Ethical egoism. I suppose her theories won't help me reach enlightenment but I think enlightenment comes later.

I'm also trying to practice positive thinking and the law of attraction.  That is, visualizing your goals as realities and believing that the universe will begin to show you opportunities and signs towards completing these goals.  I have always been one of the bigger skeptics around so I am more than willing to admit how ridiculous this sounds.  However, I am more than willing to give it a try considering that it won't hurt anything.

Last night before bed, Boyfriend and I tried visualizing for 30 minutes. It definitely ended well before that and with sleep...oops! However, I did have some fun visualizing myself after I've lost a bit of weight and am healthy enough to climb trees, hike Mount Whitney and have a career path which mostly looks like me telling people how awesome my future job will be.  Last but not least, my crazy goal (the first two were small and medium goals) involves Boyfriend and I hanging out in the Louvre as a representation of us going on vacation in Europe.

I'm a bit worried about going too big too soon, plus I don't know quite how to visualize living in Europe. It's a bit of an odd image at the moment. 

I forgot to mention, before I begin my new sleep schedule, I need to block out a week's worth of time where I will not be operating a motor vehicle.  I don't want to crash because of sleep deprivation during the adaptation period.  Maybe some part of Christmas vacation.  Until then I will attempt lucid dreaming.  I've had lucid dreams before but I mainly remember having difficulty controlling them.  As a child I remember trying to turn a flower blue because it was my dream and flowers are not blue in real life.  A bossy lucid dreamer but nonetheless, it worked.

I still need to find my online database of things to memorize.  On that note...

Tomorrow is the big day!

Implementing these tips and secrets.
This week we'll be working on the first five.
I will list the tip and the steps I want to take to make it happen.
I think I will do this on Sundays for the following week, list the tips and steps I want to take. Perhaps on Saturdays I will review my progress. In any case, this is what I'm doing this specific Sunday.

1. Memorize something everyday.
- I hope to find a database of poetry, sayings and nice things like that. Meaningful, inspirational, silly or whatever.  I'll print them out and/or save them to a document on my computer.  I'll have a variety of options.  I hope to start out small and work my way up.  Memorizing maybe a stanza of poetry a day at first, two each day the next week and so on, gradually increasing.  If I want a break from the poem, I'll try memorizing a quote and the name of the person who said it first.  I haven't worked out the details for quizzing myself but I think I'll try to write it down at slightly sporadic intervals throughout the day.

2. Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.
- This is one of my favorites for this week.  I've always romanticized the idea of being able to pack everything I own into a couple of suitcases and taking off.  I think the idea struck me when I was reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter. (An inspiring and tear-jerking book that I read one summer. Believe me, this is not a light summer read.) My living space has always been a bit...cluttered? Pig sty, tornado affected zone, black hole and hazard area are a few of the less endearing terms my parents used when I was younger.  I've improved since then but I still have too many belongings. I'm going to reduce my possessions by 5-15 items per day until I'm down to the bare necessities.  I may also stop if the items are legitimately of value to me.  Sentimental or otherwise.  As long as they aren't in the way and can be kept in a location that brings me pleasure.  An old doll that my grandparents got for me for Christmas (that I begged for) can stay on a shelf next to my stereo.

3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world.
- I'm tying this in with #5 Get fit!  I live in a suburban area and I can start small and expand with this one.  I would like to go for walks, jogs or bike rides in my nearby neighborhoods.  The track housing is old enough that there have been additions and many changes that might be interesting to see.  I think I'll also try taking alternative kinds of fitness classes.  Part of the description with this tip is to step outside your comfort zone so I think a hot yoga or pilates class might be just the thing.

4. Remember people's names.
- I believe that this may be harder to plan to do than the others.  I don't always meet new people everyday...maybe I should add "try to meet new people everyday" to #3...Anyway, when I meet new people I'm going to do my best to remember their names. I'll repeat their names back and say, "Hi. Nice to meet you _____." I often feel awkward when someone uses my name very frequently right after I meet them but perhaps this feeling is exclusive to me.  I do not particularly want to make people uncomfortable.

5. Get fit! (Talula's Edit: If that's what you want from life.)
- Some people don't need to be fit to get what they want from life.  I am not one of those people.  I want to be able to go on hikes or walks with friends when they invite me.  Indoor rock climbing, yoga classes, whatever. I want to be able to do it, or try and fail because it's a new technique and not because I become exhausted too quickly.  I'm starting small with this one.  Currently, I do not exercise daily.  I'm going to start with 10 minutes a day of exercise for a whole week.  No days off since it's such a small amount of time.  I'll ramp up by 5 minutes each week until I hit 30 minutes.  When week 5 comes around, I'll look into fitness plans and such so I can establish a better system.  I'll also be allowed Sundays off at that point. 

These are my plans and goals for this week! I've also been reading about lucid dreaming, polyphasic sleep, meditation and "Law of Attraction" visualizing.  I'm excited to try all of these things and will blog about these as well. Day 1 is tomorrow! I'll locate an online database of memorizable things now.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let's get this started...

...and by "let's" I mean, "I'm going to."

That's because this blog is about improving me! Some of that involves helping others and being more loving towards them. However, the end-result in the specific list I'll be following is to improve yourself and your situation. If anyone is interested, the website with the list I'm referring to (which is similar to many I've seen before) can be found at this address: Click here for the website

There are 50 tips/secrets and I hope to attempt to implement them all. 1 per day, Monday through Friday for 10 weeks. 5 per week times 10 weeks equals 50! Now I know I can't possibly master these all in one day each, I plan to begin the implementation or research how to best implement these ideas on that specific day.  If I find that a tip or secret needs slight adjusting, I will adjust it...slightly.

My significant other is doing this with me, albeit a bit reluctantly. "What if the list says to give up video games?" "Then don't..."
His blog can be found at I think his first post is of an adorable piggy with rainboots.
More details of the goals for this week will come tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.